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In the News

Algenol technology introduced to world's largest oil refinery

January 26, 2012

Florida based company Algenol are pushing new markets as they introduce their advanced fuel producing system with the world's largest oil refinery located in India. This integrated system will reduce CO2  emissions from the refinery by recycling the greenhouse gas into the production of biofuels. This is a huge milestone in the commercialisation of algae technology and demonstrates how this robust system can be integrated to refinery operations in varying environments.

New legislations for GMOs in Europe

January 15, 2015

New rulings from The European Parliament allowing European countries to decide for themselves whether they accept GMOs or not may see transgenic crops being grown in the UK this year. Despite widespread opposition, British scientists have supported the introduction of GMOs outlining their benefits in feeding a growing population and reducing the harmfull effects of herbicides and pesticides.

EU caps biofuel production from food crops

February 26, 2015

Palm oil has been a favoured feedstock of biodiesel, compatible with the abundance of diesel cars in Europe. Concerns over unsustainable methods used in its processing and competiton with agricultural land has led the EU to limit energy crops associated with food production to 6% of the EU's renewable transport energy target for 2020. The decline of these crops as biofuel feedstocks opens new opportunities for superior alternatives.

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Photo courtesy of Biofuels Digest

Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Photo courtesy of The Guardian

Information Project (2014-2015)

Billy Hamshaw

School of Biology

Newcastle University





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